The ART developer, Lainey Rosenzweig, does not endorse telehealth. she believes it is too powerful, if your client leaves the screen can cause problems. You will be doing it at your own risk. In person is a safe way to do this therapy, thank you

Developed in 2008, Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) has been studied by the University of South Florida (USF) and has been shown to eliminate symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in one to five sessions.

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A hands on experience report from The ART clinician who helped create and uses this computer application.

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About us
Order now
Laney Rosenzweig LMFT
ART Founder

ART trained clinicians have been asking me for an alternative to using thier hand while doing therapy... here it is...

If you are not satisfied within 15 days of purchase please contact us by phone or
e-mail, and your account will be credited, thank you

Patent pending

User name


  • Login from any location
  • 3 different type moving spheres,
        all with various speeds and colors.
  • An audio program for people who are visually impaired,
        using different sounds, beeps and speed variations.
  • Saves client's previous settings
  • Very user friendly
  • Easy to access
  • Phone technical support if needed.
  • Computer specs

  • Recommend 4 GB of RAM or higher
  • Google chrome browser updated version
  • Screen resolution 1024 and higher
  • Recommend wireless mouse.

  • For technical support or questions
    Please contact
    813 - 842 - 6760
    Monday through Friday
    10 am - 5 pm EST